Bonding With Your Baby:
Infant massage classes for parents and caregivers!
Massage has been proven to stimulate brain function and encourage muscle development and tone in developing infants. It also helps to regulate your baby's circulation, digestion, respiration, and oxygen flow. Massaging your infant can also aid in the development of healthy sleep routines by calming and soothing your little one while increasing oxytocin (the "love" hormone) and decreasing stress hormones.
Join us for a set of three classes either with your baby or a doll to practice your skills. This class is for parents, family, friends, child care workers and all those involved in the care of infants. Space is limited to 4 adults per class so call to reserve your spot today! Your baby will thank you!
Upcoming Class Scheule
All Classes 6:30-8:00pm
April - 5th, 12th, 19th June - 14th, 21st, 28